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A summary about Civility

"PURKHA DIWAS" a great example of Civility and Respect

Yukesh Rai


24 March,2020



In her TEDxTalks, Diana Damron mentioned Depression as the second leading cause of disability in the world as well the rate of depression has grown by Four Percent  compared One generation ago and it was Ten times what it was ten generation ago according to the researches. As a result it has hindered the economy and had a great impact over the economy cycle which had a very negative and straight impact in a person's social life and the very reason was all due to lack of civility in the workplace. She also pointed out the misuse of technology that has covered all the social skills and has put us inside the box while we are taught to think out of the box, our misuse of technology has put us inside the box that we built as each wall of the box represents various social platforms. Our virtual communication is only about words in which there are missing factors which are very essential and basic factors for bonding and developing the relationship.

She mentioned not only how in these recent years how we have labeled and described civility as a formality but also she approached all of us by re-stating that now civility is all about us and how we treat each other with or without respect, resulting a chaos in a relationship as a First person may approach second person depending upon his mood and a second person may receive his/her approach in a very inappropriate way. Civility is about respect which isn’t easy but with civility there is a new opportunity and without civility there’s an environment which isn’t fruitful. As she pointed out how U.S.A is losing their business and huge sum of amount in billions yearly because of incivility in the workplace which plays a certain role in developing of in-civil society such as Fear, Gossip, Undermining of Trust, Rude behaviour, Bullying, Turn over, all those factors which hampers and deducts the performance and capability of Creativity, Productivity, Leadership resulting loss of emotional bonding as well financial bondings.

She stated through a research conducted by Christine Pearson and Christine Porath that in a toxic environment we experience 20% Short Term Memory Loss and 30% Less Creativity. 

She gave her own example as a supporting theory that her incivility of respecting others time and being self oriented how it had a negative impact on her surroundings and her colleagues. 

Our human nature is hardwired to be social by Connecting, Promoting, Protecting, Nurturing  each other which is the language of civility. Coming up together and discussing to the point through a civil language with a civil gesture as our body language too displays the civility. She stated that 3C’s which stand for Civility, Communication and Character which is the basic, but how these basic plays a vital role in overall development of human nature, surrounding and how it is the first and foremost step of completion of milestones.

In my own very perspective the way we present ourself to others is the fundamental stage of creating a hospitable/inhospitable environment which entirely depend upon us. Our physical, emotional, social life should be more active on physical communication with civil gesture and character rather than just maintaining it through digital social platforms. As developing, maintaining, strengthening bonds depend upon our act and our act have a huge impact not only in our life but also has a great impact on other’s life as human life is interconnected with each other, nature , living beings. Overall we are a part of an ecosystem of a whole planet and our small act can contribute to create a hospitable environment which is suitable for all beings.

Reference :

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Yukesh Rai 


March 11, 2020

IEP 1149 

Civility and Respect in the Workplace 

The purpose of this infographic which was published by Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, is to eliminate all the factors that have a negative impact on our daily personal, social and economical activities as mentioned in the outlines of the infographic. Creating a better and healthy environment workplace for everyone by focusing the improvement outline for both employers and employees. Both parties play a vital role in building a better workplace which have a positive impact on overall factors. As mentioned in the infographic there have been more growth and improvements through the practice of civility and respectfulness in the workplace which are better teamwork, improved morale, greater perceptions of fairness, engagement in problem resolution, enhanced relationships, greater job satisfaction, reduced sick leave and turnover and finally, greater interest in personal development. These mentioned factors may look very common or basic improvements but these factors have a greater impact on the overall daily cycle of  personal, social and economical factors of a human being.

The main section of the infographic as mentioned for employers are divided into five categories :

Defining civility, Training and development, Incorporate civility and respect in communications, Addressing uncivil behaviour and Being a role model.

The main section for employees and for everyone as mentioned in the infographic are divided into seven categories : Giving full attention, valuing others’ time, Saying “Hello”, Using respectful language, Being considerate when speaking, Being inclusive and Practising Humility.

Each of the sections promotes and helps individuals with their collaborations, communications and civility though each section considers different action but overall each different section combines into one mainstream which is Civility.

In my very perspective the most important information of this infographic through section wise is Being a role model.  As there is a proverb, “Action speaks louder than thousand empty words”. People tend to follow the footsteps of a leader which is also a basic human nature as being a social animal. Building a civil and respectful place and working in  such an environment has 
been the dream of both employers and employees. A simple act from the leader has the greatest impact on the follower. Living a life with a civility and Preaching others about civility should be the first step before directly preaching it to others. After all our actions should speak more than our words.



Rai Yukesh


February 27, 2020

iEP 1149

A summary of Jacqueline Beauchere’s Report about The Microsoft Digital Civility Challenge

In a 2019 report, Jacqueline Beauchere stated that Microsoft’s Digital Civility Index also known as DCI fell two points to 66 percent compared to DCI taken two years ago. The company's goal for organising DCI events was to make individuals aware of digital harassment and crimes by taking surveys in different countries. The data collected would be processed in order to lower the risk of online platforms and create a safer online surfing experience to users. The report which shows the data not only has pointed out the problems but also have suggestions which would have a greater impact in lowering the DCI index. The lower the value on index the lower the risk, while the higher the value on index the higher the risk of digital harassment and crimes.

The risk of online/digital platforms was categorised in four categories : Reputational,  Behavioural, Sexual, Personal/Intrusive based according to the survey. 

On the positive side of the survey 40 percent people experienced unwanted contact, which was four points lower than last year. Also 42 percent of teens asked parents for help related to an online issue while 28 percent teenagers preferred seeking help from their teachers, coaches or counselors. 

For to make digital world more secure and convenient, she has pointed out the four DIGITAL CIVILITY CHALLENGE actions :

I) By starting any conversation with kindness, empathy and compassion. Being Friendly and being generous enough to respect other.

II) By respecting each other's differences and perspective. 

III) By having self control over oneself before taking any action towards anyone which result may damage his/her image in the digital platform.

IV ) Support and stand out for ownself  and others by taking legal actions against abusers, such as reporting to police or informing the situation to social workers.

With digital civility in action  we are able to cope with the high value of index by a slow but continuous deduction of value each year as described in the report of Microsoft Digital Civilty Challenge.On the positive side of the survey 40 percent people experienced unwanted contact, which was four points lower than last year. Also 42 percent of teens asked parents help related 
to an online issue while 28 percent teenagers preferred seeking help from their teachers, coaches or counselors. The report states that digital civility can improve the worsening situation of the online/digital world by focusing much more on basic things which we leave unnoticed.


This article can be accessed at:


Rai Yukesh


February 27, 2020

IEP 1149

A summary of Shelby Scarbrough TEDx Talks

In her TEDx Talk, Shelby Scarbrough discussed how a small act can make a difference in somebody’s life. She not only talked about civility just by defining it but she proved it with the examples which were very motivating and had a great impact. She derived civility with compassion and how those civility, values, morality, compassion, have been ignored by our society which was the base of our culture and history where great people to an ordinary individual practice those civility which prevented wars and warmed the ongoing cold war. Just by friendly gesture our world, community, nations and society has been able to resolve a conflict and is on the way of global peace and development of overall sectors.

Civility helped us strengthen our communication which helped us to connect together as one though there were differences among each other perceptions and misunderstandings but with time it helped eliminate each other misunderstanding and changed those negative factors by developing a bond between each other. 

Every human being on this planet seeks respect and everyone has the right to deserve respect and to be well treated but we should also understand that respect is earned by our actions and it depends upon us how we get treated by others. A simple act of civility by an ordinary person is the starting point of compassion. Sir Isaac Newton's first law of gravity states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. So, we have to act rather than seeking civility from others and our actions should be full of kindness even though we are harassed or treated badly.

In conclusion, Shelby not only pointed out the flaws but also provided us a better example which gives us hope that we can change and we can make this world a better place just by doing a simple act which has a great potentiality of huge impact. Lastly she encouraged everyone to take a small step forward to build a better society no matter what you are, who you are, and where you come from. Together we would be colourful patches sewn together tightly as ever and forever.

Reference :

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