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  • Writer's pictureRai Yukesh

Classical Theories and Ideologies that Contributed Today's World

Rai Yukesh


Understanding International Relation Theory

1 April, 2020

Yes, It is possible to avoid wars in an anarchic world as described by the classical realist thinkers. Before coming out with an ideology or theory to solve the anarchic crisis we must study the various factors and causes behind it and know the meaning of it in depth and should also know that everything goes through different phases of ideology or theory of classical realist thinkers.

Thucydides, “The main reason for war is fear because we never know the intention of our partner and the fear is the main driving force of war”. The statement explains the inner core factor which is responsible for war and havoc.

To support my above statement I would like to bring the statement which would define the cause and the meaning of War, written by Thucydides, “The main reason for war is fear because we never know the intention of our partner and the fear is the main driving force of war”. The statement explains the inner core factor which is responsible for war and havoc. The word Anarchic is defined as a situation or environment which has no controlling principles or rules to maintain order and where no governing factors can be seen playing its role to maintain and control the situation. As well, anarchic situations can be seen in national and international phases.

Thomas Hobbes who was a British philosopher and a great representative of the classical realist tradition suggested placing old power as a state authority or supreme ruler which he called Leviathan, which would maintain law and order to control the anarchic situation and pave the way for the development of Economy, Knowledge, Art, and Health
Westphalian order and system were molded, created by bureaucrats, lawyers and representatives of the communities.

We can recreate the same scenario by going through the history back in the time of Thomas Hobbes where a similar anarchic situation was on the rise at the beginning of the 17th century. As Anarchic situation threatens the very existence of Human being in the world, Thomas Hobbes who was a British philosopher and a great representative of the classical realist tradition suggested placing old power as a state authority or supreme ruler which he called Leviathan, which would maintain law and order to control the anarchic situation and pave the way for the development of Economy, Knowledge, Art, and Health. Though his statement and ideology can only avoid the internal anarchy and can guarantee the survival of certain national people. His theory or Ideology can help undermine/abolish anarchy within the state but coming to international anarchy we can avoid war through Westphalian order and a system that even still plays a vital role in today's date. Westphalian order and system were molded, created by bureaucrats, lawyers and representatives of the communities. Westphalian peace can approach and fill all the gaps through its three essential principles which are as follows:-

I) “Whose realm, his religion”

II) “Every King is the emperor in his kingdom”

III) “No one can be stronger than others”

We can see how different ideology/theory of classical realist thinkers is applied to solve the anarchic situation from the smaller picture to the bigger picture. Every ideology/theory can be seen as a step by step process to avoid war and havoc.

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